Toward a Useful Category for Persistent Homology

Background: Algebraic Topology

Homologies and Functoriality

Definition: Homology

The kk-th homology is given as

Hk(X)=Cycles formed from k-simplicesBoundaries of (k+1)-simplices H_{k}(X) = \frac{\text{Cycles formed from k-simplices}}{\text{Boundaries of (k+1)-simplices}}

Then, if we have a morphism of simplicial complexes f:XYf: X\to Y, then we gen a map f:Hk(X)Hk(Y)f_{*}: H_{k}(X)\to H_{k}(Y).

This can help us analyze the shape by taking some test space and mapping it to the shape, and seeing where the homology of the test space ends up as a subspace of the homology of the shape. In other words, we can test for certain structures in a shape.

Applied Algebraic Topology

Guiding question: How does the point stuff represent the system?

Application: Feed-forward Neural Networks

Given two brain regions with strong connectivity between two regions, record neurons in the brain and encode signals, extract fast number of time series

If there is geometric structure encoded in the brain, we can get it back through this process of time series

Example: If we spin around a lot, we can kind of tell which direction we are facing -> How is this encoded in the brain?

If we have circular coordinate system in both regions, how is that information passed on? -> Use algebraic topology

History of Cycle Registration

First steps

VR Complexes to Witness Complexes

Witness Complexes: X,YMX, Y\subseteq M subsets of same metric space, instead of taking ϵ\epsilon-balls of every point, only take ϵ\epsilon-balls centered in points of XX of points in YY

Theorem: Dowker's Theorem

Hk(Wϵ(X,Y))Hk(Wϵ(Y,X))H_{k}(W_{\epsilon}(X, Y)) \cong H_{k}(W_{\epsilon}(Y, X))

This tells that the topological structure of the observer and the observed are basically the same.

Analogous Cycles

Cycle Extension:

Hk(W(X,Y))DowkerHk(W(Y,X))CycleExtensionCycleExtensionHk(VR(X)) Hk(VR(Y)) [σ]Affine Subspace[w(σ)]+B([σ]) \begin{CD} H_k(W(X, Y)) @>Dowker>\cong> H_k(W(Y, X)) \\ @ACycle ExtensionAA @VCycle ExtensionVV \\ H_k(VR(X)) @. H_k(VR(Y)) \\ @. @. \\ [\sigma] @>>> \text{Affine Subspace} [w(\sigma)] + B([\sigma]) \\ \end{CD}

VR(X)W(X,X)VR(X) \cong W(X, X)?