Lie Groups and Lie Algebras Lecture 6 notes

Left invariant vector fields and one-parameter subgroups: Examples and Consequences

Summary (review):
The space of left (right) invariant vector fields is isomorphic to the tangent space TeGT_e G at the identity (because each invariant vector field corresponds to a tangent vector of ee)
- Left (right) invariant vector fields are complete (flow can be defined on R\mathbb{R})
- Integral curves of left (right) invariant vector fields through the identity are one-parameter subgroups
- The flow on GG generated by a left invariant vector field ξ\xi can be written in the form ϕξt(a)=aetξ0\phi_{\xi}^t(a) = ae^{t \xi_0}
- Any left invariant vector field commutes with any right invariant vector field
- The space of left invariant vector fields is closed under the Lie Bracket

Important remark:
Let GGL(n,R)G \subseteq GL(n, \mathbb{R}) be a matrix Lie group. Then, a tangent vector to GG at X0GX_0 \in G can (and will) be considered as a certain n×nn \times n matrix.
We use the idea that tangent vectors to GG are tangent vectors to curves lying in GG.
Then, a curve passing through X0X_0 is a family of matrices X(t)GX(t) \in G (smooth), with X(0)=X0X(0) = X_0, so its derivative wrt tt is an n×nn\times n matrix:
X(t)=xij(t)X(t) = x_{ij}(t) for i,j(1,n)    dX(0)/dt=xij(0)i, j \in (1, n)\,\implies dX(0)/dt = x'_{ij}(0) for i,j(1,n)i, j \in (1, n), which is an element of TX0GT_{X_0}G

Theorem: Tangent Space of Gl(n, R)

Proposition: The tangent space TXGT_X G is a certain subspace in Mn,nM_{n, n} (the space of all matrices), which depends on XX. However, if G=GL(n,R)G = GL(n, \mathbb{R}), then the tangent space TXGL(n,R)T_X GL(n, \mathbb{R}) coincides with Mn,nM_{n, n} at each point XX.
By definition, every AGL(n,R)A \in GL(n, \mathbb{R}) has a nonzero determinant (i.e. it is invertible).
Choosing some norm on matrices Mn(R)M_n(\mathbb{R}), the function det:Mn(R)R\text{det}: M_n(\mathbb{R}) \to \mathbb{R} is continuous, so there is ϵ>0\epsilon > 0 s.t. for all matrices HH with H<ϵ||H|| < \epsilon, det(I+H)0\text{det}(I + H) \neq 0. #-> II has determinant 1, so there exists some neighborhood with nonzero determinant
Thus, for all matrices XX, there exists η>0\eta > 0 s.t. for η<t<η-\eta < t < \eta, det(I+tX)0\text{det}(I + tX) \neq 0. #-> For some choice of XX, we can choose η\eta s.t. for any η<t<η-\eta < t < \eta, tXtX has nonzero determinant
This means that the path P(t)=I+tXP(t) = I + tX is a path with derivative XX and with P(t)GL(n,R)P(t) \in GL(n, \mathbb{R}) for sufficiently small tt, so any matrix XX can be a tangent matrix of some path on GL(n,R)GL(n, \mathbb{R}).

Theorem: Left Invariant Vector Field On Gl(n, R)

Proposition: Take an arbitrary AMn,nA \in M_{n,n} as a tangent vector to GL(n,R)GL(n, \mathbb{R}) at E=idE = \text{id}. Then, the corresponding left invariant vector field on GL(n,R)GL(n, \mathbb{R}) is ξ(X)=XA\xi(X) = XA.
Proof: By construction, ξ(X)=dLx(A)=XA\xi(X) = dL_x(A) = XA (left multiplication by XX is a linear map, so it coincides with its own differential)

Theorem: One Parameter Subgroup of Gl(n, R)

Proposition: Take AMn,nA \in M_{n,n} as a tangent vector of GL(n,R)GL(n, \mathbb{R}). Then, the corresponding one-parameter subgroup is given as exp(t,A)=etA=E+tA+t2A22!+\text{exp}(t, A) = e^{tA} = E + tA + t^2\frac{A^2}{2!} + \dots #-> Taylor series expansion with matrix exponential
It is left as an exercise to check that this series converges for any AA and tt absolutely (and uniformly on any interval t(T,T)t \in (-T, T)).
1) Moreover, the resulting matrix function is smooth wrt tt, and ddtetA=AetA=etAA\frac{d}{dt} e^{tA} = Ae^{tA} = e^{tA}A.
2) Besides, e(t+s)A=etAesAe^{(t + s)A} = e^{tA} e^{sA}. (Note that eAeB!=eA+Be^A e^B != e^{A + B} if ABBAAB \neq BA)
Then, 1) means that etAe^{tA} is an integral curve of ξ(X)=XA\xi(X) = XA through the identity and 2) means that etAe^{tA} is a one-parameter subgroup (with initial tangent vector AA).

The above two statements hold for any Lie subgroup GGL(n,R)G \subseteq GL(n, \mathbb{R}). #-> Which statements? Future Dylan Note: I'm dumb, it's the above two numbered statements
This follows from the uniqueness condition: for any tangent vector ξ0TeG\xi_0 \in T_e G, there is a unique one-parameter subgroup f:RGf: \mathbb{R} \to G s.t. ddtf(0)=ξ0\frac{d}{dt}f(0) = \xi_0 and there is a unique left invariant vector field ξ\xi s.t. ξ(e)=ξ0\xi(e) = \xi_0.
Corollary: Let g=TEGMn,ng = T_E G \subseteq M_{n,n} be the tangent space of a matrix group GGL(n,R)G \subseteq GL(n, \mathbb{R}) at the identity. Then, the tangent space at any other point XGX \in G is given as TXG=Xg=gXT_X G = Xg = gX
Corollary: Considering a system of linear ODE ddtx=A(t)x\frac{d}{dt}\mathbf{x} = A(t)\mathbf{x}, xRn\mathbf{x} \in R^n, letting A(t)GA(t) \in G for any tRt \in \mathbf{R}, then the fundamental solution X(t)X(t) belongs to GG for any tRt \in \mathbf{R} (recall that X(t)=A(t)X(t)X'(t) = A(t)X(t) and X(0)=EX(0) = E).

For matrix groups, ξ(x)=dLX(A)=XA\xi(x) = dL_X(A) = XA, where XGX \in G and ATEGA \in T_E G

Definition: Exponential Map

The exponential map exp:TeGG\text{exp}: T_e G \to G is defined by exp(ξ0)=exp(tξ0)t=1\text{exp}(\xi_0) = \text{exp}(t\xi_0) |_{t=1}, where ξ0TeG\xi_0 \in T_e G and exp(tξ0)\text{exp}(t\xi_0) denotes the one-parameter subgroup in GG with the initial vector ξ0\xi_0.
.#-> This looks like a tautology, but in reality we are defining a map from the tangent space to the group by taking the one-parameter subgroup generated by a tangent vector and evaluating it at t=1.
Our notation exp(tξ0)\text{exp}(t\xi_0) can now be understood in two different ways: as the image under exp\text{exp} of the tangent vector tξ0t\xi_0, or as the point on the one-parameter subgroup exp(tξ0)\text{exp}(t\xi_0) with parameter tt.
In fact, these points coincide, so the notation causes no confusion.

Theorem: Properties of the Exponential Map

Properties of the exponential map:
1) exp\text{exp} is smooth and globally defined on TeGT_e G as a whole
2) the differential of exp\text{exp} at zero is the identity operator: dexp:TeGTeGd \text{exp}: T_e G \to T_e G, dexp(ξ0)=ξ0d \text{exp}(\xi_0) = \xi_0
3) exp\text{exp} is a local diffeomorphism at a neighborhood of zero
Proof for 2):
notice that exp(0)=e\text{exp}(0) = e, where 0TeG0 \in T_e G is the zero vector. Then, dexp0:T0(TeG)TeGd \text{exp}|_{0}: T_0(T_e G) \to T_e G.
Notice that TeGT_e G is a vector space and therefore the tangent space to it can be identified with TeGT_e G itself. That is, T0(TeG)=TeGT_0(T_e G) = T_e G.
Recall that for f:MNf: M \to N, its differential dfP:TPMTf(P)Ndf|_{P}: T_P M \to T_{f(P)} N is defined by dfP(γ(0))=ddtt=0f(γ(t))df|_{P}(\gamma'(0)) = \frac{d}{dt}|_{t=0} f(\gamma(t)), where γ(0)=P\gamma(0) = P.
In our case, for ξTeG\xi \in T_e G, we set γ(t)=tξTeG\gamma(t) = t\xi \in T_e G, which means γ(t)=ξ\gamma'(t) = \xi. Then, dexp0(ξ)=dexp0(γ(0))=ddtt=0exp(tξ)=ξd \text{exp}|_{0}(\xi) = d \text{exp}|_{0}(\gamma'(0)) = \frac{d}{dt} |_{t=0} \text{exp}(t\xi) = \xi.
That is, dexp0=idd \text{exp}|_{0} = \text{id}.

Left translation allows us to identify the tangent space TxGT_x G at an arbitrary point xGx \in G. This identification is natural, and implies the following topological property of Lie Groups:

Theorem: Lie Group Parallizability

Any Lie group GG is parallelizable, i.e. its tangent bundle TGTG is trivial: TGG×RnTG \cong G \times \mathbb{R}^n (with n=dim Gn = \text{dim } G). #-> The above implies that every point's tangent space is isomorphic to one another, so the tangent bundle is just the group times the tangent space at the identity
In general, the triviality of the bundle TMTM means that there is a smooth map ϕ:M×RnTM\phi: M \times \mathbb{R}^n \to TM which is linear on each fiber
i.e. ϕ(x,ξ)=(x,Ax(ξ))\phi(x, \xi) = (x, A_x(\xi)), where Ax:RnTxMA_x: \mathbb{R}^n \to T_x M is a linear isomorphism #-> This is straightforward: if this condition is true, then the manifold should be isomorphic to the product
In our case, such a map is given by ϕ:G×RnTG\phi: G \times \mathbb{R}^n \to TG by ϕ(x,ξ0)=(x,dLx(ξ0)),ξ0TeG=Rn\phi(x, \xi_0) = (x, dL_x(\xi_0)), \xi_0 \in T_e G = \mathbb{R}^n #-> dLx(ξ0)dL_x(\xi_0) sends a tangent of TeGT_e G to a tangent of TxGT_x G
- Any Lie group GG is orientable #-> orientability: ability to assign an orientation to each side (e.g. not a mobius strip)
- Note that not all orientable manifolds are Lie groups (e.g. the S2S^2 sphere)
- Among closed 2-dimensional surfaces, only the torus T2T^2 may carry the structure of a Lie group #-> That's insane! bc only the torus is parallelizable
- Alternative definition for parallelizable: existence of smooth vector fields {V1,,Vn}\{V_1, \dots, V_n\} s.t. for any pMp \in M the tangent vectors {V1(p),,Vn(p)}\{V_1(p), \dots, V_n(p)\} form a basis of TpMT_p M
- Then, the 2-sphere is obviously not parallelizable, as the hairy ball theorem states that there exist no smooth vector fields on S2S^2. Thus, the sphere is not a Lie group. #-> interesting proof, seems a bit backwards lol

Relationship between Lie groups and Lie algebras (explicit):
Let GGL(n,R)G \in GL(n, \mathbb{R}) be a matrix Lie group, and let A,BTEGA, B \in T_E G and ξ(X)=XA,η(X)=XB\xi(X) = XA, \eta(X) = XB be corresponding left invariant vector fields on GG.
Then, the Lie bracket [ξ,η][\xi, \eta] is the left invariant vector field of the form X(ABBA)X(AB - BA).
.#-> by def of Lie bracket, [ξ,η](X)=ξ(η(X))η(ξ(X))[\xi, \eta](X) = \xi(\eta(X)) - \eta(\xi(X)). In our case, = (XBAXAB)=X(BAAB)(XBA - XAB) = X(BA - AB) #-> shouldn't this be X(ABBA)X(AB - BA)? wait nvm

Theorem: Corollary: Tangent Space Closed Under Matrix Commutator

The tangent space TEGT_E G at the identity of any matrix Lie group is closed under the matrix commutator [A,B]:A,BABBA[A, B]: A, B \mapsto AB - BA
Notice that it suffices to prove [ξ,η]=X(ABBA)[\xi, \eta] = X(AB - BA) for GL(n,R)GL(n, \mathbb{R}) only, then it will hold for any Lie subgroup GGL(n,R)G \subseteq GL(n, \mathbb{R}) automatically.
In local coordinates, the proof is "straightforward": [ξ,η]ij=k,l(ξklddxklηijηklddxklξij)[\xi, \eta]_{ij} = \sum_{k, l}(\xi_{kl} \frac{d}{d x_{kl}} \eta_{ij} - \eta_{kl} \frac{d}{d x_{kl}} \xi_{ij}) #-> not very straightforward...
We have ξkl=αxkαaαl\xi_{kl} = \sum_{\alpha} x_{k \alpha}a_{\alpha l} and, similarly, ηkl=αxkαbαl\eta_{kl} = \sum_{\alpha} x_{k \alpha}b_{\alpha l}.
Here by ξij,xij,aij\xi_{ij}, x_{ij}, a_{ij}, etc. we denote the matrix coefficients of ξ,X,A\xi, X, A, etc.
Hence, [ξ,η]ij=k,l(αxkαaαlddxkl(βxiβbβj))[\xi, \eta]_{ij} = \sum_{k,l}(\sum_{\alpha} x_{k \alpha}a_{\alpha l} \frac{d}{d x_{kl}} (\sum_{\beta} x_{i \beta} b_{\beta j}) - \dots)
Only when (kl)=(iβ)(kl) = (i \beta) does the partial derivative not vanish, and in this case it equals bβjb_{\beta j}. Hence, we can replace kk by ii and ll by β\beta, and we get
=α,β(xiαaαβbβjxiαbαβaβj)= \sum_{\alpha,\beta}(x_{i \alpha}a_{\alpha \beta}b_{\beta j} - x_{i \alpha}b_{\alpha \beta}a_{\beta j})
=α,βxiα(aαβbβjbαβaβj)= \sum_{\alpha, \beta}x_{i \alpha}(a_{\alpha \beta}b_{\beta j} - b_{\alpha \beta}a_{\beta j})
this formula means exactly that [ξ,η](X)=X(ABBA)[\xi, \eta](X) = X(AB - BA) as stated above.